First, I'm gonna tell you a little about me. . .
1- my name is Danielle
2- I'm *nearing* 30 (gasp!!)
3- I am a SAHM to my 3 kids: Madison (8), Noah (4), Lydia (7 months)
4- I run. In a skirt.
Second, I don't call myself a runner - I'm more of a runner wanna be. And so far, I'm more a walker/runner wanna be.
Why do I run?
When I was in 8th grade, we were running sprints, my PE teacher commented that I should try out for track. But, I have never been one for organized sports so I never pursued it. Plus, I would have to get permission from the coach to dress modestly for meets, etc - I'm not one for begging attention :)
Fast forward 15 years probably, in the spring of 2011, I quit my fast paced job in public accounting at a local firm. During those first weeks, my hubby and I started a couch to 5k program together. Well, about 2 weeks in, I started having foot pain - so I took a few weeks for it to fully heal, and started the program over - after a shoe fitting at our local running store, of course! I got about 3 weeks in and started having sciatic pain (again, I was plagued with it since the birth of my son in 2008). This was October 2011, and then it started to get cold, so I decided I would start first sign of spring. . .well, then we found out about Lydia! So here we are almost May 2013, and last night I completed week 2 of couch to 5k.
Here is why this time is different: over the winter, I focused on shedding the last of the baby weight - which really, while nursing, it's easy peasy. I've been loosely following the Weight Watchers program on my own. When I say loosely - I get 40 points plus per day (insert evil laugh here!). I've lost 11.6 pounds since February 22. In the interest of transparency: I'm 29, I am 5'6", I gave birth to my last 2 kids weighing 155 pounds. I gained 13 pounds with Lydia, so I started at 142 pounds. When I weighed February 22, I weighed 146.0 and currently weigh 134.4. I would like to weigh 130 or even 125, but hubby says 130 and I should stop, but he's surely not complaining about this version of me :) We'll see how I feel, the numbers don't really matter to me, I want to feel good about me.
And I have a goal: a
half marathon, October 2013.
Welcome to my blog! Besides who doesn't love a background?!