
Baby, it's cold outside!

Look at those lows this week. Burrzeee.

That alone makes me want to stay inside. Add wind and ice patches, I'm definitely not going outside to run. Even during the day in full sun, it's going to be too cold to take Lydia in the BOB. It could be a long winter if I don't come up with a better plan. And a better back up plan.

So let me know what you think:

Mornings, I will start with Morning Yoga, either the 20 minute or 10 minute version, depending on time and running plans.

Before I run, I will warm up with this:

I can tell a huge huge difference especially in the cold.

Of course, after I run, I will stretch with this Yoga for Runners:


Monday: 6 miles (I want to ease into more miles during the deep freeze)

Tuesday: 30 minute cardio video + abs

Wednesday: 3 miles in between dropping the kids and when Chad needs to get ready for work

Thursday: 30 minute cardio video + strength/core

Friday: 30 minute cardio video + yoga

Saturday: 3 miles after Chad gets home from work

That gives me 12 miles, which is better than the 6 I ran this week (slacker!), but also a plan for cardio everyday except Sunday.

Are you wondering what my 30 minute cardio video will be? Me too! I have created a new playlist on YouTube "30 minutes to try", which obviously is full of 30 minute cardio videos that I thought I might like to try- I like the FitnessBlender channel, their videos are well done and to the point, I have a few more of those to try out. I have a few Jillian Micheals videos, because well, she's Jillian Michaels! I found an at home barre video I'd like to try, Skinny Runner loves it, maybe I can too. Kickboxing. Cardio yoga. I'm sure I'll end up with a rotation of the above so I don't get bored. . . I'll keep you posted on how they go.

At least I won't feel guilty about my nightly latté.


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