I'm very happy with the choice of this little hometown half marathon for my first. And so glad my dad decided to run with me.
The weather didn't really cooperate. I started raining around mile 4, and it seemed that each mile that ticked by, the rain continued to get worse. About 3 minutes after we crossed the finish line, it started pouring. We didn't have to run in it, but we did have to walk back to the car in it. If nothing else, it will be a memorable first half marathon.
Our finish goal was 2:15. We finished a strong 2:14:24. Well, my dad finished a few tenths of a second faster- couldn't let me win :) ha. Our average pace was 10:16 per mile. Looking back at my Runkeeper stats, we kept the pace pretty even- even at the end (ignoring the building blocking gps signal very fast mile 2 and very slow mile 3). We kicked our effort up a notch but the extra effort really only allowed us to keep pace. Those last miles are hard ones.
And so this finally went on my van (a birthday gift from the hubby man):

<found on amazon>
What's next? Oh, I'm so glad you asked! The Kentucky Derby Festival miniMarathon, baby! Who's in?!
I can't help but smile when I think back to the me from 6 months ago. Six months ago, I started C25k- aka I couldn't run more than 1 minute at a time, and 369 miles later, I just ran continuously for 2 hours and 14 minutes. It's been a full 6 months. Remember when I was on week 5? The week where you run 20 minutes with no walking, ha. It kind of makes me laugh that it psyched me out!
What's up for this week?
Rest! Maybe a few easy 3 mile runs. Some yoga for sure. Constructing a plan for the time until I start training for the next half marathon on January 8th. I've got some ideas, and I'm excited to share them once I get it all worked out. A hint? Sure! It will include more than running!
Love this! Congrats on a great race!