
Shooting with Soul: Week 3: Your Shadow

This weeks exercise was a picture of your shadow. This week, I had several different ideas run through my head- we had snow on the ground most of the week, and a bunch of snowy days, but every time I tried to take one of by myself it wasn't what I really wanted. Then later in the week, I was finished with my run and walking back home and noticed that if I stood in the middle of the street, and the way the two streetlights are situated, it would cast 2 shadows.

I had Chad help me, and he just snapped a quick pic with my smartphone. I like how it turned out! The two shadows, but also since the lights are behind me, I look like a shadow.

Link up your shadow pic using #theevereclectic and #shootingwithsoul. Be sure to check out Hannah's shadow pic (and she featured my pic from last week!!)


  1. How cool is this? I don't think I can remember ever having TWO shadows before....

    1. ha. crazy fluke really, the way the 2 street lights overlap, and they were actually both working at the same time.
