
"You looked like you were going to pass out" and a birthday idea

Today was a great day. Yep, a great day.

Noah had the morning off preschool. We lounged a little, yoga'd a little, laundered a little, played outside a lot, picniced on the deck.

It threatened rain this evening, so the minute hubs got home from work, I headed out for a run. 13:48/mi for 2.10mi, felt good actually. I went a different way around the subdivision tonight and during the midst of the 2nd 3 minute run I went passed the house.  The kids were out playing in the yard, they ran to the fence and just laughed at me. I must confess, I slowed to a walk shortly after that incident. It made an impression. Now I have a complex. No, but really, later at dinner, Chad said I looked like I was going to pass out.

So I was pursuing Pinterest and found a cute idea for Lydia's 1st birthday. . . " Cute as a Button". I pretty much love it.

PS: Noah and yoga are hilarious! But he kept up with it. Until we got to the chair pose. Then he said, yep I'm going to sit and watch you now. But he can do the tree pose like a professional. I will get a picture. Love that boy!

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