
Wanna Play a Game?

Would You Rather: running style

I'm joining in the party hosted by Cori over at Olive to Run, you can find her original question and her answers HERE. She is a riot. You should follow her. Truth.

#1. Would you rather run in a thunderstorm or a snowstorm?

Thunderstorm. Typically in the winter, I have to run in the dark and me+snow+dark=Disaster.

#2. Would you rather breathe through your nose or breathe through your mouth?

Mouth, breathing through my nose just doesn't do it for me

#3. Would you rather do 100 squats or 100 crunches? [Now take a break and go do them. ;)]

Squats, and I'd be grouchy about it all the next day

#4. Would you rather have a baked good for dessert or an extra serving of your favorite entree?

If I have to choose 1, an extra serving of my favorite entree. Shrimp Fra Diavlo.

#5. Would you rather run on a treadmill for an hour or run around the same street block for an hour?

Treadmill. At least I can read or watch TV for an hour instead of pass the same house 47 times.

#6. Would you rather have a headache during a run or a side stitch?

A headache. For me, a side stitch is an indication that I'm not breathing correctly. Can't have that.

#7. Would you rather have a rest day on a work day or a day off?

Day off. Seems easier to just get up and do it when you know you already have to get anyway.

#8. Would you rather be a race director or a race volunteer?

Race volunteer. As a runner, they make me smile as I pass - all the cheering and positive words.

#9. Would you rather spend your money on running gadgets [HRM, GPS watch, Headphones] or running shoes?

This is a hard one. I'd love a great GPS watch, but probably the need would be running shoes.

#10. Would you rather run in a relay or do the run portion of a distance triathlon?

Relay. A big at some point in my life goal is a Ragnar.

1 comment:

  1. The tricky part about running in the snow is not being able to see if there is ice underneath! I feel ya on that one :)
