Tomorrow, I'm planning 10 miles on the treadmill.
I'm not especially excited about almost 2 hours of going nowhere. But, I think it's the best and safest way to knock out my planned training run. The bike trail is snow and ice covered from all the snow that fell this week, and dangerous without proper footwear. The road has huge piles of snow on both sides, so there would be no place for me to go if I have a car behind me and an oncoming car. Not to mention the probable ice close to the edge.
I plan to go after I eat my hearty breakfast of oatmeal and coffee. So I can be back for lunch. I have a date :)
I am not going to push it at all. Keep it slow and easy. I think I'll wear my heart rate monitor too, so I can make sure I'm keeping my heartrate down for the majority of the run.
I don't usually take water on my runs, but with the extra heat and humidity in the gym, I am going to take a water bottle and refill it as needed- there is a water fountain right in the treadmill area with a neato water bottle filler upper thing. I'll probably need to refill at least at the half way mark, if not more, especially during the last 5 miles
I will also take along my Gatorade chews along for after miles 4 and 8, and an extra incase I need to eat the others sooner. I'm not used to the conditions- when I trained for the my last half none of my long runs (6+ miles) were in heat. And really, last summer was extremely mild, so I can only count a handful of runs that were super comfortable hot.
Now, how am I going to keep from going crazy for 10 miles? I have a few things in mind: I'm going to take a few minutes and find a good channel on the TV (Food Network, HGTV, DIY network or something), tonight I'm going to find a book to download onto my iPad (suggestions welcome), and music on my phone.
I also am going to use the plan below to mix up my speeds and inclines to keep it interesting but also to be sure to keep it easy.
Of course, I reserve the right to deviate from said plan :) But it should keep it slow and easy except mile 8, and hopefully that isn't too much of a stretch either.
Should be fun! I'll try to check in tomorrow evening to let you know how it goes.
What's your longest treadmill run?
Anyone want to meet me at the gym to run beside me? Please?
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