
I Did It! Juice Cleanse 2014

It's been a week since I finished the Big Juice of 2014, so I wanted to check in with how it went.
You can read about Day 1 here.
Days 2 and 3 went pretty well. Over all, I lost 2.6 pounds which wasn't as much as I expected, but since that wasn't my purpose, I was fine with that. I think that since I was blending the ingredients using my NutriBullet instead of actually juicing it in a juicer, that contributed to the limited weight loss.
Day 2
On day 2, I switched up the order a little bit and drank the carrot and beet stuff for "lunch" and then the apple, kiwi, banana and greens drink for "dinner". I also didn't drink the almond drink at all, and didn't replace it with anything. I decided I just didn't like it after all.
I started later in the day, and that really helped the mid-afternoon hunger problem I had on day 1.
Day 3
Day 3 looked almost exactly like day 2. I probably failed at drinking water like I should have been. I wasn't hungry, but I was ready for food. Not even to eat it, but just to chew something!
What about the days after?
Friday, I woke up with a mild ache in my right side. Maybe my kidneys? As much as I wanted to, I had a little bit of trouble choking down breakfast and lunch, but by dinner time, I was starved!
It's now a week later, and I am still down those 2.6 pounds.
I'm settling into a 90 paleo/10 clean +some dairy diet . I have had a few slip ups, but all in all, I feel like I have done pretty well. I plan to talk about that more tomorrow.
Would I do it again?
Probably, yeah. Three days was the perfect amount of time, easy enough to carve out with careful planning, yet long enough to be a commitment. Plus it was easy using the NutriBullet.
If you have questions, let me know. I will try to answer as best I can.
Disclaimer: I am not a nutritionist, dietitian, or doctor. When I write about my diet and health, it’s completely my own opinion and based on my own experiences and research. Please consult a professional for all medical questions about diets.



Juice Cleanse: Day 1

Monday afternoon, I gathered up all the ingredients needed for 3 days of 6 juices each.
When I got back from the grocery, I pulled out the borrowed juicer. And I couldn't get it to turn on. I'm sure user error, but hubby and I tried everything. And I mean everything.
So out came the NutriBullet. Since I was going to be using all of the fruit and veggie and not just the juice, I decided that I would split one recipe between 2 bottles and then add water to the top of my bottle.

I'll be honest, I was a little nervous going in! Making them was one thing, now I have to drink them!
Juice 1 and 3: Apple, banana, kiwi, greens. The taste wasn't bad, and it was really very filling. There was a little gritty aftertaste, but I think that's more because of making them with the bullet.
Juice 2: Apple, pineapple, cucumber. Again, the flavor was pretty good, refreshing even.
Juice 4: water, lemon, honey, cayenne. Soooo sooooo soooo tart!
Juice 5: beet, carrot, apple. I had to just guzzle it. I didn't like the taste at all. Gag!
Juice 6: almonds, banana, cinnamon, nutmeg, milk. I blended these up and made a smoothie.

I started the day with a cup of coffee. I guzzled juice 1 before I drank my coffee.
Around 11:30, I drank juice 2. It took me about 30 minutes start to finish.
At 2:30, I drank juice 3. Around 4, I started getting really hungry. I think I could have eaten a horse! I tried to keep busy. I took Lydia outside (even though it was 700 degrees). We went to the grocery store. I sorted laundry.
At 6, I started juice 4, aka special lemonade :) I took Lydia back outside and sipped while we played. It took me probably an hour to get it all down, it was sooooo tart. Lydia laughed at me every time it took a drink because I puckered up. She'd say, "punny, mommy, punny!"
At 8, I started juice 5. This was so gross. I took forever drinking it, like an hour and a half at least.
At 10:30, I blended up my smoothie for juice 6, and drank it for dessert.
In between each juice, I drank at least 20oz of water.
1- I want to get away from the mid afternoon super hunger. I'll drink my coffee first, and then drink 20oz of water, maybe around 10, and then drink one every 2 hours.
2- I will only be putting in 1/2 a lemon in my special lemonade instead of a whole lemon. I'll use the other half in my water throughout the day.
3- For juice 4, I'm going to shake it up really well, and then drink it as fast as I possibly can. And try the best I can not to gag on it!
4- Less almonds in the smoothie. And I'll make it ahead of time so it can be cold. But it was pretty tasty, just a little warm from grinding up the almonds and then "bulleting" it all together.
With the changes, hopefully tomorrow will go much much better! I'll check in and let you know :)


ISO: Accountability

Wow. Blogger says it's been since March 17th that I posted. It is kind of hard to believe it has been FOUR months since I posted.
I'll save you the last 4 months of our lives, and instead just jump right in to the here and now.
Yesterday, I ran for the first time in 4 weeks. I've been healing my broken toe. Two slow miles that I'm trying not to get discouraged about. Not to mention that every muscle in my body is sore. Just in case you wondered.
Now, for the majority of next week, my big kids will be visiting with grandparents in PA. And since it will just be me, Chad and the little- I've decided that I am going to do a 3 day juice cleanse. I found a great DIY juice cleanse (thank you Pinterest). The prep is super easy. I just hope these girls are telling the truth that they stayed feeling full.
Why a juice cleanse? The second week of June we went on vacation. Now, on vacation we indulge in food- dessert every night, local pizza, snacks, pop, chips, free dinner at the hotel (a happy surprise!), the list can go on and on really. The problem is, it's now 3 weeks after vacation and I'm still snacking like its vacation.
After completing the cleanse, I plan to start a strict 90/10 Paleo/clean plan for 30 days. After those 30 days, I will evaluate to see if I need to adjust my plan. But I also want to see how it affects training for my next half marathon in October.
Who's in?