
An update

So, blogger tells me that I've neglected my blog. . .whoops. I want to be a blogger, I want to think I have something that I can't wait to tell all 4 of my readers, but truth is, I'm pretty boring. I mean, right now, I'm browsing Facebook, Pinterest, and playing Candy Crush. Yah, that's the life, and it's soooo interesting.

That being said, today was Madison's last day of school! Summer starts tomorrow!! Woot! I've spent the last few weeks combing through the summer school and summer fun pins on Pinterest, and I've come up with a schedule that is just the right amount of learning, the right amount of playing, and the right amount of making. Should be fun. Should hopefully keep some of the fighting to a minimum for the other kids. We shall see.

On the running front, I've been 4 times since May 12th (hangs head in shame). Just building up in the C25K. Today was week 5, day 2. Shooo, those 8 minute runs were brutal. But I did it! 2.39mi in 31:03. Not my best time, but it will work, for a couple first time 8 minuters. Saturday, the schedule says a 20 minute run, no walking. We'll see! I hurt already, just thinking about it.


Mother's Day eve 2013

What a full day spent with my littles.

What a joy they are to me, except the fighting. That could suddenly stop and I wouldn't miss it. At all.  

This was take 65 of 70. Lydia wasn't really into it, but that girl will smile for her daddy. Look at her look at him. And trust me, next time, Madison is not getting transitions, now we have them in our backups! 

My run was good tonight. Except that the street lights kept turning off as I passed them. Weird. Oh and it was 10:15 in the pm before I went. But I got one random rain and one angel food cake marked off the list. 

Week 4, day 1. Those 5 minute runs are b.r.u.t.a.l! The first one I slowed to a walk for about 20 seconds closing in on the last minute. The second 5er only took about 10 seconds to regain my umph, but again it was nearing the last minute. Today's time, pitch black dark and all, 13:03/mi, 2.44mi. I may have hope for a 10 minute mile after all.


"You looked like you were going to pass out" and a birthday idea

Today was a great day. Yep, a great day.

Noah had the morning off preschool. We lounged a little, yoga'd a little, laundered a little, played outside a lot, picniced on the deck.

It threatened rain this evening, so the minute hubs got home from work, I headed out for a run. 13:48/mi for 2.10mi, felt good actually. I went a different way around the subdivision tonight and during the midst of the 2nd 3 minute run I went passed the house.  The kids were out playing in the yard, they ran to the fence and just laughed at me. I must confess, I slowed to a walk shortly after that incident. It made an impression. Now I have a complex. No, but really, later at dinner, Chad said I looked like I was going to pass out.

So I was pursuing Pinterest and found a cute idea for Lydia's 1st birthday. . . " Cute as a Button". I pretty much love it.

PS: Noah and yoga are hilarious! But he kept up with it. Until we got to the chair pose. Then he said, yep I'm going to sit and watch you now. But he can do the tree pose like a professional. I will get a picture. Love that boy!


The knee... And a routine

If you tuned in yesterday, I mentioned that I ran pain free. 24 hours later, still no pain in my knee! Booo-ya!

But I want to give you the story of my knee:

On 4/18, I ran with a sore calf- you know, the "I'm a beginner runner sore calf", you know it right? I didn't think much of it when I started out, but the next morning I was limping with pain in my left knee. But it got better throughout the day, not 100% pain free, but better.

On 4/20, I ran faster than I have before, 13:25/mi for 2.17mi (week 2, day 1), but my knee was s-o-r-e. Not the best plan perhaps. But I will say it did not hurt when I walked out the door. And I *think* it was threatening rain, so I decided to stick around the house and run the circle around the park instead of only do my warm up around the park and then venture out into the neighborhood.

On 4/22, I wanted to continue my training anyway (again, not the best plan), took it easy and ran 14:02/mi for 2.24mi (week 2, day 2). SORE! I could barely walk for days. Whoops!

I read up on runner's knee. I figured I needed to strengthen my quads to catch up with my new found running habit. So I started some yoga. Just the master skill on the Xbox game Play Your Way for Kinect. 23 minutes of hurt. Shoo, me and squats are not friends - and that "pretend your sitting in a chair and try to touch ceiling" pose, definitely not my friend.

I rested for a few days, and continued training on 4/26, I iced my knee, and took ibuprofen after running.  Very slow go, 14:45/mi, 2 miles even (week 2, day 3). The relaxing after felt good!

I ran 4/28, very, very slow- 15:07/mi for 2.12mi (week 3, day 1).

This week, I've started a routine: yoga every morning, running (c25k training) Monday, Thursday, Saturday, afternoon walk with the kids on non running days (at least). So far so good, but it's only Tuesday!


8 days too many...

Tonight, as I started out on my run, my Nike Plus iPhone app reminded me that it has been 8 days since my last run. What a full 8 days!

Monday - Wednesday afternoon was spent packing and getting myself and the younger kids ready for a short trip to Missouri for a wedding. As well as getting everything in order for the ones left behind. A friend and her baby girl, my Noah and Lydia left Wednesday afternoon. We stopped over in Brazil, Indiana for the night, and we arrived JUST in time for the rehearsal. We stayed with the sweetest family (aunt/uncle/cousin of the bride), attended a beautiful wedding Friday evening, and hi tailed it back home Saturday morning. It was a great trip, but it was great to be home to my hubby and oldest.

But I was also battling the knee thing... But I've been doing yoga to try to strengthen my quads. As well as strengthen my core, whatever that is. Besides not having the time/energy to squeeze one more thing into my to-do list, I guess I needed the rest.

Today was week 3, day 2 of C25k. 2.08 miles in 28:48, not my best time (13:48/mile), but better than the 15:07/mile from last Sunday. The knee felt good, hopefully it stays that way. I want to be a runner!

165 days until the Cincinnati Half Marathon.